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1977_09_Head (stair-way in the museum), 1977
1977_10_Soft Skulls with Fried Egg Without the Plate, Angels and Soft Watch in an Angelic Landscape, 1977
1977_11_Nike, Victory Goddess of Samothrace, Appears in a Tree Bathed in Light, circa 1977
1977_12_Aurora's Head, After Michelangelo (detail of a Figure on the Grave of Lorenzo Di Medici), 1977
1977_13_Surrealist Angel, circa 1977
  1977_15_Fertility, 1977.jpg  
1977_20_Las Meninas (The Maids-in-Waiting) - first metaphysical hyper-realist painting (unfinished), 1977
1977_21_Randomdot Correlogram - The Golden Fleece (stereoscopic work, left component; unfinished), circa 1977
1977_22_Randomdot Correlogram - The Golden Fleece (stereoscopic work, right component; unfinished), circa 1977
1978_01_Cybernetic Odalisque, 1978
1978_02_Gala's Christ (stereoscopic work, right component), 1978

1977 15 Fertility, 1977 Download
Nombre total d'images: 1027 | Dernière mise à jour: 04/11/09 13:31 | Aide